Thursday, March 29, 2007

Another week...

Been working a bunch, and not doing much of anything else. Although Jeannie and I did straighten up the place last night in preparation for Sean and Cole's visit. They should be arriving in Baltimore late tonight, staying at a hotel for the night, and then we'll hook up tomorrow morning.

I've been wondering if the Schluetermetz' know where they're going to move to...

I've also been attempting to get back in the habit of going to the gym. I've been a few times this week and last week, which I think is a good start. I'll be taking a break while Sean is in town, but then hope to fire things up in full gear for the summer.

I think Sean and I are going to do a lot of our recording in the bathroom. This seems kinda strange to me but also seems like the right idea.

Hmmm. Not much else. Just a collection of random thoughts. I still owe Rich an e- mail, but I haven't had time to do any research yet. Soon, though. Maybe tonight. Off to work and the gym...

Friday, March 23, 2007

All Possibilities

We've been back in Baltimore for a few days after a good Ohio trip. For me, a very laid back, relaxing trip of eating a lot of turkey, mashers, and green bean casserole and getting a dangerous amount of painful, stinky gas. For the Jeanners, a more hectic, stressful trip of driving and flying and driving and being stressed. But all in all, a good trip.

Been working a lot to make up for the days that I was gone, and also to pre-make-up for the days that I'll be out when Sean is in town. Derrick (old boss) came in to work yesterday, and it was good to see him. He seems to be doing well, although he said he misses the Noble.

Getting all excited about Sean and Cole's visit, which will be in full effect in a week. We're going to be packing a lot into a few days, I'm afraid, but we should have a damn good time. Right now I'm trying to decide where we should go for dinner while they're here. I'm thinking we'll probably eat a few times at home, and go out a few times. Burgers in Towson? The ol' standby Rocky Run? Seafood? Chinese? Sushi? Vegetarian at One World? The possibilies abound. I think we'll definitely hit Pete's Grille for breakfast at least once, and have bacon and schmeggs at home, too.

Hmmm. That's it for now. Off to work this afternoon, taking care of laundry, recycling, and errands at the moment...

Saturday, March 17, 2007

"Save Your Anger for People."

These are some pictures that I'm stealing off of the Schluetermetz' computer. Pictures back from when they visited a few weeks ago.

Cool kids at the art museum.

Henry and the Jeanners and I make some breakfast.

A beautiful and complicated panoramic shot taken by Brad in which everyone looks bad.

I show off my bald head while the Jeanners and I cook some bacon n' schmeggs.

Ah, memories. Today's been a lazy day. The Jeanners headed to the airport early this morning, and I stayed in bed pretty late. Then got up just to lay around. At around 4, however, the menfolk decided to do some bowling, courtesy of a Bellefountaine coupon book that enabled us to bowl for free! Sweet stuff, indeed. Tonight, a spades tournament is planned that is looking like it's going to be downright bloody. I think that friendships could get shattered as a result of this spades game.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Greetings from Asbury Park, OH. Actually it's Bellefountaine.

Well, well. We are here in Ohio for the Fake Thanksgiving festivities. We got in last night at around 3am, after a relatively uneventful drive. Only bad part: we forgot the lasagna that Jeannie made. Left it in the freezer. Oh well, looks like the J-Dog and I will be having lasagna for dinner next week.

I've finished an 8-day stretch at work (which was pleasantly boring) and am now looking ahead to 4 days off. It was nice, though, having Elizabeth back in town to shoot the shit with and help the days go by a little faster.

The Jeanners is heading to Booneville via St. Louis tomorrow, she'll be back on Sunday morning. I will miss my baby.

Well, I've got a day full of relaxation, conversation, digestion, and game-playing to look forward to.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mr. Jerk

Last night I had a dream that the thief who's been stealing stuff at the B&N lately came into the department and wanted to order a CD. "Oh boy," my dreamself thought to my dreamself, "Now I'll find out what his name is when he places his order." Unfortunately, he outsmarted me and gave me the obviously fake name, 'Mr. Jerk.' So now this new guy has his official Name in My Head. He will forevermore be known as Mr. Jerk.

When did I start going to the bathroom like an old man? When I was little I was always a little surprised by (and wary of) older men who made noise while peeing at a urinal in a public restroom, i.e. farting, loud sighs, etc. I now find myself doing both with increasing regularity. It's an alarming trend that I'm going to have to keep an eye on...

Lately I have found myself missing Nature. I have started feeling officially Urban. Maybe it's because I've been in contact with Sean more, so I've been thinking about Alaska and how different it must be there, how much they're totally surrounded by nature. And throughout my life until the time I left Missouri, I always had at least semi-regular contact with good ol' Mother Nature. But it's been awhile since I've been somewhere away from everyone else.

This is also all tied in with the fact that I've been feeling less Midwestern, too, but at the moment I'm not really missing feeling Midwestern. I am missing nature, though. Perhaps going to Ohio for a few days will help. For a good portion of the drive we'll be surrounded by a lot of dirt. (I mean outside of the car and not inside). Perhaps during some downtime in Ohio I shall have to take a drive out to one of the numerous surrounding rural areas and commune with the dirt for awhile.

I worked a long day at work today and thus I am sleepy. Jeannie's making some sort of crazy shit for dinner so we'll see how that goes. I love my girlfriend (and not just because she cooks good dinners).

Sunday, March 11, 2007


It's been almost a week again. What the hell.

I've been spending my free time this past week recording versions of Seanyboy's songs, getting acquainted with songs I'm not as familiar with and getting reacquainted with songs I haven't played in awhile. He and Nicole are coming down from Alaska for a visit at the end of the month, and he and I are going to work on a CD of his songs that he can sell at gigs (like when he opens up for Colin Hay in May...) I am very pumped about this vist for several reasons. I haven't getten to see Seanyboy nearly enough in the last few years, and I have only gotten to hang out with Nicole on a few occasions. I think this will be a fun visit of talking, hanging out, seeing Baltimore, maybe heading to DC, and recording some songs. And good songs, at that. It's nice to work on recordings and not worrying about writing the material as the songs are being recorded.

The Jeanners and I are also getting ready for our upcoming 'Fake Thanksgiving' trip to Ohio next weekend. We always look forward to seeing the cool kids. And, of course, a nice long drive. We haven't gotten to take a nice long drive in awhile, and we've got some good tunes to listen to (John Denver, anyone?), so it should be a good time.

Elizabeth is kicking it Baltimore-style in the Bahamas right now. And, for those of you not in the know, Baltimore-style means pasty-white and rude. Ha! Can't wait for your return, E-beth...

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Band

I continue to listen to The Band with ferocity. On a side note, "Listen to the Band" is probably my favorite Monkees song, and the only Monkees song I know that's sung by Mike Nesmith. I wonder if it's about listening to The Band? One day when I am a rap producer I will sample the horns from that song.

Today at work this guy that always steals stuff came in, and so I spent awhile following him and making sure he knows that I know that he steals stuff. You know, I don't mind if somebody wants to steal stuff, but it sure pisses me off when they come up and are all chatty and then they go steal stuff. Don't talk to me and then steal my f@#$'ing CD's.

Last night the Jeanners made a delicious meat-free lasagna, then we watched Donnie Darko (I was underwhelmed. I had heard good things but I don't think it delivered the goods), then my girlfriend had a craving for some sugar so we walked down to Rocky Run for cheesecake and a beer. It was a nice little date, although we smelled like smoke afterwards. I remember when that was a good thing.

Had a production meeting about the summer shows tonight after work. Enjoyable, well-run meeting. It looks like my workload will be exactly whatever I want it to be, which is nice. Nothing official, which is nice.

Tomorrow: the banking day that we were supposed to have last Friday but postponed due to talking things out.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Canadian coldfront moving in...

I have been listening to the song "Acadian Driftwood" by The Band in a near-manic fashion for the last week. It's a damn good song.

On Friday the J-Dog and I talked things out in a way that only true lovers do, then we made a big stir-fry and General Tso's tofu dinner. Yum! Then we walked until I had to go pee, so we went home and I pee'd. Then we went and bought beer.

Then today it was a boring work day. Same tomorrow, but maybe tomorrow night me and my ladyfriend will have some fun.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Back to Normal

Things are getting back to normal around here, at home and work.

We have been spending the last couple of days re-mouse-proofing our apartment, with mixed results. Although as of last night we haven't seen any mice or mice shit, so maybe they'll be gone again for awhile. There's so many damned gaps in this old house. Oh well.

I've been listening to bunches of Seanyboy's old songs, getting ready for his visit, trying to come up with ideas on what to do with each song. It's fun. And I'm reminded of how good a lot of his songs are. Hopefully we'll get a lot of good work done while he's here at the end of the month and still have time to see the sights and hang out with our ladyfriends.

Off work tomorrow. The Jeanners and I head to the bank to figure out some money shit and then we do laundry. Is there a better way to spend a day? Probably. But I'm looking forward to hanging with the J-dog.