There is not much better than when the kids are in bed, the house has been cleaned up, the lights in the house are mostly off, and I'm sitting with some relaxing music playing and a cup of tea.
I've been working hard lately on the set for Measure for Measure. I designed the set, and I haven't been crazy about the design, but it's just now getting to a point where I'm starting to like it. We tech in two days, and I think things will be ready to go, provided that things go well tomorrow., Lots of painting and lighting work to get through. Also, a school fundraiser at Skateland that I somehow need to make time to attend. I do love me some Skateland. It's where I hear all the good new pop music.
The Jeanners is at a school board meeting tonight. She's cool like that and she gets to be on the school board. (Actually, it's because they conned her into volunteering). I'm not sure if I should sit in the sweat box without her or if I should wait for her.
I think I'm gonna watch some Ken Burns on Netflix now.