Hey, this is my 800th blog post. And I started back on May 10, 2005. So 800 posts in a little over 7 years isn't too bad - approx. 114 posts per year, so roughly one every 3.2 days. I think I've kept you all very well informed as to the state of my lower GI. Actually, I started writing the blog for two reasons: 1) because I have always had a bad memory for life events, and I could feel it getting worse. And 2) because I found myself writing the same e-mail to multiple people, filling them in on the things that were going on. And so I started writing the blog so I wouldn't have to write the same e-mail 5 times. And the blog has been successful on both fronts - whenever i have trouble remembering something I can usually go back and check what I wrote about it on the blog, and I definitely send fewer e-mails to people, for better or worse. The problem with a blog is that it's usually a one-way conversation, so I generally feel more out of touch with people than I did before I started this. Oh well.
Jeannie's Mom had been here since May 10 (the anniversary of the birth of the blog, by the way, which you'd know if you've been paying close attention), but left last night to head back to St. Louis. It was a really great trip and I think everybody enjoyed it and was a little sad that she was leaving. I truly lucked out in the Mother-in-Law department (and she doesn't read this so I'm not just saying that to suck up). She's always been very cool to me, and for the last week and a half she's been a really great housemate. So hopefully it's something she can do again in the future, because it was super-helpful for us, and I think she really enjoyed getting to spend time with Sam, and I know that as Sam gets older he'll benefit from time spent with his Grandma.
Yesterday the insurance company paid us the 700+ dollars that they owed us that I've been hounding them abour for the last 4 months or so. The sweet taste of victory. Just in time for us to start fighting with them about the hospital bills for Sam's birth. Ugh.
I'm officially back into the grind at work and it is both more painful and less painful than it was before I left. More painful because I care even less about being there, and less painful because I care even less about being there.
Hmmm. What else? Jeannie's going to physical therapy today because her shoulder has been bothering her from feeding a burping Sam, and she's had shoulder issues in the past that PT has helped. So her Mom and I took over as much of the burping duties as we could.
I think that's it.