Sunday, December 23, 2018


Million-dollar song idea, first lines:

      It makes me sick. 
      It can suck
      My fucking dick."


Thursday, December 06, 2018

We're Growing Closer Together

Christmastime is here at last.  I'm sitting in my office in the basement of the theater (where I recently

 brought some ginormous 3' tall speakers that came with our house -- they are AWESOME.  My man-cave is becoming the place I've always wanted), A Christmas Carol student matinee is going on upstairs.  I've got some light bulbs to change when the show is over, and then I'm gonna do some pants shopping. 

I've been enjoying my kids lately (although I've been spending a lot of time at work recently - a coincidence?).  It's amazing to see them developing their own emotions, and wrestling with those emotions.  And Jeannie's been doing a bunch of research about emotions and development, and people that are stuck at certain stages of development, and it's interesting to think about our kids and try and figure out the best way for them to become the best, most comfortable versions of themselves that they can become.  How they can be comfortable with their own emotions, and get to know them, and know where they come from and what they can do.  Anyway, it's all amazing.  And stressful, and hard, but fun. 

Friday, November 09, 2018

Come Away Death

I posted this on Facebook, so everybody's probably seen it, but I just wanted to include it here as part of my digital record. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018


I've been in a foul mood all day.  I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why, and I think it has something to do with the amount of hands-on-ed-ness that my children are currently requiring.  The kids that lived on our block last year have all moved away, and since that time Jeannie and I have pretty much been their playmates and entertainment directors when they're not at school.  I think it just has worn me down a bit. 

I have realized lately that, unless I have a picture or something or have written it down, I no longer remember occurences that are older than 24 hours.  So I'm going to make an attempt to write more here.  I suppose I've said that before. 

I have slowly, slowly, slowly started working on some new music.  Very tentatively.  Just working with a new (to me) drum program.  So far, I like it.  I'm interested in getting rid of the mountain of baby crap that's in our basement so I can get to my keyboard, guitar equipment, and 8 track. 

I am being summoned for bedtime reading and PJ-ing. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mechanical failure

I feel like my body is falling apart a little bit.  My back has been hurting for a week and a half or so (it's feeling better now, thank you), whenever I sit still for 20 mins or more then I'm stiff and sore when I get up, and, oh yeah, I got punched in the face at work one morning a few weeks ago so I now have a one-inch scar just under my right eye. 

Other than all that, life feels pretty good!

This will be my last blog post re: bodily ailments.  Promise.  Nobody wants to hear that shit. 

Friday, August 24, 2018

I want to dig

Tonight I stayed up later than the rest of my family because I had taken a two-hour nap when I got home from work. At about 11: 30, I walked to the bathroom to start getting ready to go to sleep, and I happened to run into Anna coming out of her bedroom. It was dark, and I couldn't tell if she was awake or asleep. I asked her what she wanted, and she said, "I want to dig."  I told her it was nighttime, and time for sleeping, and I picked her up, and she put her head on my shoulder, and we stood for a few minutes in the dining room. And then I took her back into her room and put her back in her bed.

Monday, July 02, 2018


My favorite activity of the summer thus far has been taking the kids swimming and frolicking in the Gunpowder river, which is about 20 minutes from our house.  We first went on Saturday morning, when it was just us and one other family hanging out there.  Then tonight the Jeanners and I decided that there would be time after dinner for a family outing there.  Tonight there were about 75 other folks there.  We seem to prefer a spot that must be some sort of unposted Hispanic swimming hole, because everytime we go there, we seem to be the only native English speakers there.  I kind of enjoy it that way.  I always think of this Carl Sandburg poem when I'm there:


I asked the professors who teach the meaning of life to tell
    me what is happiness.
And I went to famous executives who boss the work of
    thousands of men.
They all shook their heads and gave me a smile as though
    I was trying to fool with them
And then one Sunday afternoon I wandered out along
    the Desplaines river
And I saw a crowd of Hungarians under the trees with
    their women and children and a keg of beer and an

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


My new drug of choice is the voice of Mary Maddux.  It's how I imagine heroin would be.

Dinosaur Train

My children are currently watching Dinosaur Train on the bed next to me, and the conductor is singing a ridiculous song called Troodon Night Train. 

I'm laying in bed freaking out a little, worrying because the set I'm currently building for our outdoor show has two large, rolling walls, and I'm concerned abiut how to make them wind-proof.  I believe my fear of the wind is well documented (and well ridiculed). 

I set up a small bookshelf next to my bed.  It's one that we took out of the kids' room in an effort to reduce the amount of crap in there.  Anyway, I was able to bring a bunch of my fav books down from the attic and now have them available for my perusal. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Deep throat

I have strep throat.  It has not been accompanied by severe symptoms, so I haven't minded it too much.  Just a slight sore throat, some headachyness, and super tired a lot of the time. 

I'm nearing the end of the season at work, which is flippin' awesome.  I just have to build the summer set.  Start on Tuesday.  Hoping for dry weather.  It's been a wet spring, so far, and I'm hoping that doesn't continue. 

Me and the Jeanners are working on many projects at our house.  Spending a good chunk of money.  Trying to clean shit up.  Trying to get rid of stuff.  Get rid of what's not working. 

Samuel is growing up to be quite the kid.  Super smart, super sensitive, a little wild at times, communicative, but all-in-all a good kid who has a kind heart. 

Anna Banana is a smiling, funny, independent, at times tantrummy girl who adores her brother, loves superheroes, and is completely and hopelessly addicted to her pacifier, "Beeba."

I have learned that I just can't handle drinking G&T's anymore.  It fucks with my sleep and generally sends my mood into the toilet.  So I have been attempting to abstain.  So far, so good.  I'll probably end up having one now and again, but I just can't handle it being a regular thing. 

Here's what I want for father's day:  a power washer.  Because our house is in danger of becoming completely engulfed in spiderwebs. 

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Love is in the Air

Today my boy told me he has a crush on a girl at school.  I asked him what it was like.  He said they stared at each other for a long time, and it was really awkward.

It begins.