Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Love in the Time of Covid-19

Well, it's really even hard to describe what has happened since I wrote a few days ago.  We are in the midst of a global pandemic caused by a coronavirus that causes a disease called Covid-19.  

What does that mean?

It means that, within a week or so, nearly all of the sxhools around the country are closed.  Bars, restaurants, theaters, and other gathering spaces are closed.  Stores are having a hard time keeping things on the shelves.  Long lines at grocery stores.  We are told to stay away from any sort of gatherings of people.  And, amidst all of these things, a pervasive sense that NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.  

And that sense comes partly from the fact that, at least in the US, things aren't really that bad yet.  I think there are just over 4k confirmed cases right now.  It's not like there are sick people everywhere, or that people are dying in the street or anything.  But there is a sense, based on the warnings and closures and restrictions that have come from government officials, that things could get very bad.  But nobody knows exactly what that would mean or look like.  

As for our daily life, we are pretty much restricting ourselves to being either ar home or places where there aren't any people.  Work and the kids' schools are closed.  We've spent a lot of time walking in the woods.  We've spent a lot of time playing outside.  We're going to work on building some garden beds today.  I gave Samuel a lesson yesterday about electricity using a solenoid project that I brought home from work.  Thinking about giving the kids some music lessons on guitar or keyboard.  

So anyway, that's where things are right now.  It feels like this could turn into a world-as-we-know-it-is-over type situation, or it could blow over in a week or two (although certainly there has already been some serious economic damage).  

I am resolved to make the best of it.  Enjoying the extra time with the kids, with Jeannie, with the beautiful Spring that's going on outside right now.  Extra exercise time.  Daily runs.  

That's all.  Hopefully we all have enough food and toilet paper the next time I write!