News, bullet-point style.
* PKP & T have birthed their second child, a masculine child. Well, T specifically did the birthing. PKP, I assume, watched. Or perhaps occupied and entertained their #1 masculine child. Who knows. Regardless, #2 child arrived a month early, and after a little bit of time in the NICU, everyone is doing well. They named the boy Henry, but don't call him that cause he goes by Hal. I can only assume that because they named the boy after the main character (or at least the character I feel is the main character) of Infinite Jest that Pat is planning on a well-deserved second attempt on the book sometime in the near future.
* Speaking of, I am in the midst of an IJ re-read myself. A little over 200 pages in. The is probably my 4th or 5th full re-read of the book, and I have experienced no diminishing returns. If anything, the opposite. Amazing. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. Like jumping into the ocean when you haven't been to the ocean in awhile.
* Bought tickets to see Greg Brown up at the Recher Theater in September. Right next door to where I work! Pretty exciting stuff. Haven't seen him live since March of 1999, when I saw him in Vineland, NJ and Easton, MD on spring break with Seanyboy.
* Work is exceptionally slow. Scarily slow.
* The Jeanners and I did some good work this past weekend. Ripping out some of the existing electrical system, mapping out what remains of the existing electrical system, and getting ready to run some new electrical business in our future bedroom. We're also getting ready to submit some paperwork for some loans and grants and whatnot. Getting quotes for insulation and porch work, etc. Fun stuff.
* My folks are going to some out for a visit in early September. Should be a good time. We'll hang out a bit, maybe do a little work around the house (cut down more trees?), and head out for a day trip somewhere. We usually enjoy their visits quite a bit.