It's nice to have more than 5 days between shows. Our next show doesn't open until February 13th (which is actually closer than I'm picturing in my head -- but, whatever) so I spent my day today puttering around, doing little things like getting keys made and changing light bulbs and researching doorbell/intercoms.
I'm sitting now on the bed with my legs outstretched, just busted into a tub of port wine spread cheese and popped open a box of wheat thinz, getting ready to read some Desolation Angels, my favorite Kerouac. Not a bad way to spend an evening, although if you change Kerouac to Kingsolver I probably just described the evening routine of a lot of middle-aged cat lady lesbian types. No offense.
My New Years' resolution is to attempt to shed some of the low-confidence induced awkwardness that has crept steadily into my life since, well, I think it started when I quit smoking. Maybe earlier, Maybe when I left college. Maybe when I moved to Baltimore. Anyway, I'm going to work on getting rid of it and work on being more confident.
Samuel is, I think, starting to understand the idea that there will be a new baby here. Tomorrow we get to spend the day together and I think we will go to our usual haunt -- the harbor. I'm looking forward to it, especially as it's supposed to be snowing tomorrow. I've been itching for some snow all season.