It's been a relatively low-key couple of days. I started giving people their yearly reviews at work, which has been fine. It's always nice to get a raise, right? I wish I got my raise at this time of year, but I have to wait another six months...
Thursday night we went to Jeannie's former boss' house for dinner, which was fun and kind of interesting. We've been meaning to have dinner there for awhile, but we figured that it would probably be better to hang out in a social way if we waited until Jeannie was no longer working there. So we went and took a few bottles of wine and had an egg and potato souffl'e that was pretty tasty. And some of us got a little tipsy and then we all played "The Worst Case Scenario" board game (which J-Dog and I had played before, and kinda suck at. We usually immediately decide against the right answer). But anyway, it was a decently good time. I'm glad we brought the wine...
Then last night the Jeanners and I re-watched The Royal Tenenbaums and went to bed early.
Today has been pretty laid back, too. We both got up early this morning and went to work; I just had to give Shawn her review, and then got to come home. Jeanners worked for a little while and then went to yoga and came home. We ran some errands, I listened to Experts and Intermediates while Jeannie read on the couch, I uploaded the fruits of last weeks recording (still not too happy with it, but what the hell) and here we are. Who knows what we'll do tonight. Maybe walk? Maybe watch The Third Man? Maybe both?
I'm getting excited about the wedding next weekend and all of our visitors coming this month...