It's been a few days, which is not like me (I'm an egomaniac, in case you've never me t me) but I've been very busy at work and such. Just finished 8 days of work in a row, and I'm looking forward to my days off today and tomorrow. Yesterday was my last day working with my current boss. It was a little bit sad, because we've worked together for almost 4 years, but not too bad. He got another job working in real estate. So I got him a card and a present to wish him good luck. I think he appreciated it.
Last night Jeannie and I decided to have fried chicken for dinner, then we came home and ate it, and as the night progressed we got more and more cranky with each other. Which is not like us at all. So we think that we've had a food-coma induced argument. On my side, I also think that I was very very tired, and a big belly of fried chicken didn't help. Everything's fine today, though. The marriage is safe. Divort averted.
Today with my day off I hope to do some laundry, finish up our dishes, and work on music for Schlueter's play. One of our cars is in the shop, so I'll be unable to do anything today which requires driving, which is a good thing because then I'll get all my chores done and maybe come up with some good stuff for Jen. Tonight I believe we're going to Aimee's new place to hang out.
Work continues to leave me strangely energized, although yesterday was a day that featured some B-crap. B-crap does not leave me energized, but apparently leaves me cranky (see paragraph above).