Monday, September 07, 2020

get offa my lawn!

This summer, Anna has learned to swim and ride a bike.  We have recently been spending lots of time at the local skate park, Samuel skateboarding and scootering and biking, and Anna mostly scootering and now biking.  Last week I had to take Samuel to the ER for chin stitches.  Boy was bleedin' like a stuck pig.  
     Last night I became the old man who goes out in the yard in his underwear at 3 in the morning and yells at his neighbors to turn the danged music down.  

Sunday, September 06, 2020

photos from the past

When Jeannie and I moved into our house 11 years ago, the old man who had lived in it prior to us (he's the guy in the photo below with the airplane) left behind a bunch of photo equipment and hundreds of negatives.  I saved them and have always wanted to get them printed.  I recently found an app for my phone that scans negatives and saves the "printed" photo.  Here are a few of the results:

Friday, September 04, 2020

king of the ladies

Lately I've been trying to think of the worst pick-up line ever, and this is what I've come up with:

"I've been told my penis is soft like a baby's penis."

What do you think?