Yesterday I turned 33, Jesus' age when he died. Therefore, the coming year will be my Jesus year. Whatever that means.
I worked during the day, then the Jeanners and I headed downtown for a mediocre Chinese meal in a cool building. On the way home, we stopped in at a little dinner get-together that some of her former Americorps recruits were having. The first year that she was recruiting, she put together one hell of a team, many of whom became roommates and involved romantically, and they've stuck together after their Americorps service year was over. A good group of folks. So anyway, it was a low-key but highly enjoyable birthday. Oh, and we're planning on going to Frederick in November to see an Emmylou Harris show and spend the night at a bed n' breakfast as a combined birthday/anniversary gift. Should be fun.
The J-Dog has started working a 4 ten-hour day work week, and it seems like it's gonna work out pretty well. By the luck of this week's scheduling, she's got a four day weekend, which is pretty cool. We're going to be shelling out a bunch of money this weekend, getting some car work done, some chimney work, and some energy testing done on the house. So it'll be an expensive weekend, but money spent on things we need.
Work this evening. A long stretch of work this coming week.
Car talk is funny sometimes. Time for eggs n' fake sausage.
I've been pooping a lot over the last couple'a days.