Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I realized this evening that I can't really remember whether I actually met Nikolai Volkoff or whether my boss just told me that he was in the store. I have a vague memory of ringing him up at the cash register, but sometimes my mind just makes memories up.

Also, I'm convinced that in the Robert Urich photo, he was holding that pen in such a way as to show off how massive his manly hands really are/were. Whenever I see that picture, I am reminded exactly what my place in the world is. And what it is not.

The Jeanners and I had another pretty perfect day today. Her boss is out of town, so
she had the day off, and I had the day off, so we drove down to DC and walked along a trail in Rock Creek Park, which ended at the National Zoo, so we walked around the zoo a little bit and looked at the snakes and gorillas.

The Hamill Camel

Yesterday at the store I met a 1976 Olympic Gold Medalist figure skater. She was buying a bunch of classical music (and also asked where the Barry Manilow stuff was, although she didn't buy any). So, I will add her to the list of celebrities I have seen in real life, which I will now rank by famousness:

1. Bono and The Edge (they could be listening to my CD RIGHT NOW!)
2. Dave Chappelle
3. Dorothy Hamill
4. The late great Robert Urich (note how tan and manly he is/was and how white and smarmy I am...) [note the size of his damned hands!]
5. Nikolai Volkoff
6. The new lead singer of INXS
7. Flippy the Magnificent
8. Joel Higgins (met in a very stinky bathroom of the Muny Opera in St. Louis, where he was putting in his contact lenses and claimed that he did not make the stink.)

On Saturday, Jeannie and I had a pretty perfect day: did some dishes, went to a state park and walked around, came home and had a picnic on the roof, headed down to Fells Point for drinks with Bewley, and topped it off with a good episode of Rome. If you can think of a better way to spend a day I'd love to hear it...

There a new live Greg Brown CD out today, called Yellow Dog. For all the Midwestern homies in tha house.