What's going on? Not much. The Great Apartment Hunt of '06 has begun, and so far we've had some leads but nothing that was perfect. Here's what we're looking for, and if you know of something out there, let us know: a 3rd floor, 1BR Apt. in Charles Village, with a washer and dryer in the building, access to the roof, and preferably a dishwasher. And my wife would like it to be on the side of the street that gets a lot of afternoon sun in the living room, although that's not a deal breaker. And we'd like to pay around $750 a month.
The nice thing is that we don't have to give any sort of notice at our current place, and they may end up reimbursing our moving expenses, because we seem to have a mold problem due to some leaks that they don't seem to want to fix properly. So we're getting the hell out, ASAP.
Yesterday I took a long afternoon walk, with headphones, in the sunshine, and went up to this little square and sat on some new benches that smelled like cedar. While I was walking I thought a lot about various walks that I've taken in my life---walking to and from grade school, walking around my neighborhood when I was ten listening to headphones and pining for the girls I had crushes on (I think that was when I fell in love with music and walking), walking around Kirksville alone when the town was dark and quiet in the way that only small towns in Missouri can be dark and quiet, a drunken walk home from a party with Rich R., walks all over the place with the Jeanners, I just love walking.
Tonight Jeannie and I might walk back up to Casa Mia for G&T's and some cheesecake. I think if the middle-aged musicians are there again, Jeannie may want to request some Journey. Rock lives in Balto.