Well, it's about 1 in the morning, and I got home from work a little while ago. Jeannie's in bed, and I'm sitting on the futon (still awesome!) uploading some songs for the play to my Yahoo! briefcase so Schlueter can download them and check them out. I've spent the last 45 minutes or so reading old posts from Drew's blog. I like reading Drew's blog, because I can very much hear him in the way that he writes. I guess that's why I like reading blogs in general.
Our living room is a mess. There's boxes that are full and packed and boxes that are half packed and piles of shit waiting to be put in boxes. I'll be oh so glad when the move is over...
Work was fine tonight. I was steadily busy all day, and I got at least some stuff done, and I should have time tomorrow to get done everything that needs to get done by the end of the week. My old boss came by tonight because he needed to pick up a check and some other stuff. It was good to see him. I'm glad that whole situation has worked out for everyone.
Yesterday I was able to go to lunch with the BJ, and we played a couple of games of spades as we sipped water on the back 'patio' of the Rec Room. One thing that I will remember fondly about this summer is the weekly lunches with the Beej.
So much is happening in a few weeks! It's exciting. Can't wait for our visit from the Schlueterileymetz'.