Tuesday, July 07, 2009

National Lampoon's St. Louis Vacation

The Jeanners and I took a trip to St. Louis last week. It was a good trip, and we got to see a lot of people (everybody except Drew, who, like us, was busy with familial obligations). Next time, Drew. The trip was not too hectic, and even contained a lovely day where jeannie and I walked around the south Grand neighborhood, and dropped in to see Shannon and little Adam, and ended up sitting and chatting for a few hours. Lovely weather, too. I felt strangely uncomfortable for pretty much the whole trip, though. I think it's because I don't really feel at home in Baltimore, and I don't really feel at home in St. Louis anymore, so I just felt very rootless. It was, in a weird way, comforting when we got home last night. It was good to see a lot of the cool kids, though.

The Jeanners has been gone all evening, so I've been doing some more recording. She just called a few minutes ago to tell me that she'd been driving one of the trucks from her work and it overheated, so she's stuck downtown with one of her Americorps workers waiting for a tow truck. Sucky.

This one might turn into something. Later.