I am off work today, and I have a list of things to do but not sure which things I'm going to get to. I would like to go to the gym, go to Trader Joe's, go buy some new underwear, go to Best Buy, update our MP3 player, watch Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, look for a birthday gift for T, have eggs and fake sausage for breakfast, and play Civ III. Not necessarily in that order.
I have begun the project GUT BEGONE 2010. I've been hitting the gym every day and eating better. My tummy and love handles hurt so bad that when Jeannie poked me in the tummy last night I just about started crying.
We went to a meeting of our neighborhood association last night. It was OK. Nothing too exciting. But I like that our neighborhood seems to include a nice mix of different races and classes.
The J-Dog and I got a lot of good work done last weekend. Fixed the oven, fixed (hopefully) one of the roof leaks, ran the vent pipe for our bathroom sink into the attic, and worked on the garden. Things are coming along nicely.
Remind me one day to tell you the story of Jerry Orbach's cousin. It's not that exciting or I would just post it here, but it's funny in a smile-not-laugh sort of way.
Hmmmm. What else? Yesterday the J-Dog and I were sitting on the front porch after work and we were watching the cutest little tiny baby rabbit munching away on some clover in the yard. It was the cutest little thing ever and it either didn't know to be scared of us (cause Jeannie strangles rabbits) or it didn't care and it was just munching away just a few feet from us. It was cute. In fact, it was the cutest little thing ever.