Work has been entirely uneventful. It's been so uneventful it's starting to get spooky. I think that I could literally do my job in my sleep.
I've been enjoying getting home in the evening, watching the storms blow through, listening to lots of music, reading a lot, taking a walk with the Jeanners after dinner, enjoying a G&T, then hitting the hay. Strumming the guitar a lot. Thinking of trying to put three songs together to maybe play at an open mic night. Haven't decided yet.
I finished my Willie Nelson book. I'm glad to be done with it. It was just too much information about Willie Nelson. Then I finished Johnny Cash's autobiography, which I liked a lot better (and was a lot shorter) and which Jeannie is reading now and also (so far) enjoying. Now I'm reading Bob Dylan's Chronicles, which is, so far, pretty awesome. Really well written. Surprise, surprise.
When we move I think the thing I will miss the most is the way our stereo sounds in our living room. It sounds pretty perfect. I love sitting on the couch, looking out the windows and listening to music.
Our neighbors in the apartment below us have moved out, and the new people won't be moving in until September (after we've already moved, most likely), and it's pretty nice not having anybody living below us. They were nice and all, but I don't miss them.