Well, Jeannie picked up the keys to the new place tonight at around 5, and started painting the bedrrom. After I got off work at 8, I came home to our current place, cleaned out the refridgerator, and took down an air conditioner to take to the new place. So we unpacked a little bit of stuff out of the car and hooked up the air conditioner at the new place (so it won't be beastly hot when we're movin' stuff in). Then we headed up to the roof for a beer. The view is beautiful. Everything I could have asked for in rooftop access. A nice place to have a beer and chat with the wife.
The new place is a bit rougher around the edges than it seemed when we last looked at it 2 months ago, but I think it's going to be great. The two big reliefs of the day are:
A) The closets are much bigger than we thought. We're going from an apartment with 5 closets into an apartment with 2 closets, so the fact that the new closets are twice as large as we thought helps a lot.
B) We have nice friends who are going to help us move. A million thanks!
Big, busy day tomorrow. Time for bed...