Sunday, July 30, 2006

Wide-Open Day

How are Jeannie and I going to spend our Sunday? We've been oscillating between getting outside to do something adventurous or just staying at home and getting more unpacked in the apartment. Tonight, though, I am planning on BBQ-ing.

I wrote the above paragraph yesterday morning, Sunday, at around 10 in the morning. Then I couldn't think of anything else to write so I just saved it. Tonight, Monday evening, I can tell you exactly how events unfolded yesterday:

Jeannie skipped her yoga class, and she and I worked all day yesterday getting the apartment into shape, with good results. Our living room now looks like this:

Which is fine by us.

One thing I like about our new apartment is that the stereo sounds really good and I can listen to it with no guilt because there's no one living beneath our living room. Right now I'm jamming to some Curtis Mayfield.

We caught a mouse yesterday morning. Unfortunately, he chose the mean trap rather than the happy trap. Sorry, Mr. Mouse.

Jeannie might be quitting her architecture job today. I'll have to find out how it went when she gets home.

Last night after we finished working, we walked down to Rocky Run for some drinks, and I drank a very large stout that tasted exactly like a very large glass of cold coffee, but better. Anyway, it was a nice little date. All in all a very good day.