Feel like I've been at work non-stop since I've been back in town. Not really, though, although I have been working a lot. Looking forward to my days off on Thursday and Friday. Miss Jeannie a lot, but I got to talk to her on the phone yesterday which was great.
Ways in which my life would be different if Jeannie and I weren't together:
1. I would drink a lot more beer.
2. I would be a lot fatter.
3. I would reuse dishes with a minimal amount of cleaning them.
4. I would feel that my life is pretty much pointless.
5. Life would be much quieter, and not in a good way. In an empty way. I would have to find some outlet at home for just talking. I guess it's been awhile since I've lived by myself and I'm not used to it anymore. I remember that when I moved to Baltimore I was unsure if I could handle going back to living with roommates after having lived by myself for a few years.
Strange dreams last night. I remember part of one very vividly, my tooth fell out, which is a recurring dream I have, and one that I hate. Donald Trump showed up in one of my dreams, too, and I feel like he's shown up before. That can't signify any sort of mental health, I'm sure.