I haven't written much lately, but not much has been happening lately. So get off my tip already.
Here's the important things on my mind right now. 12:11 AM on Sunday, March 16th, 2008:
1. I have a little pain in my left armpit.
2. I bought a Temptations CD tonight at work, and while I haven't listened to the whole thing, what I did listen to in the car on the way home from work was G O O D, and pumped me up in the same way that listening to the Supremes pumps me up, but in a less gay way.
3. I am excited about our impending trip to the frosty North. And a little nervous. What if I die? What if my jeans are too tight to fit a pair of long underwear underneath and I feel fat and uncomfortable the whole trip? What if I die? But mostly I'm just excited and looking forward to hanging with Seanyboy and Colio. And having an adventure with the J-Dog.
4. The current state of our apartment has gone from "charmingly messy" to "embarassingly disgusting."