In a little over a day, my wife turns the big 3-0. Ha! She hates birthdays. Hopefully we'll celebrate right and have a good time. I have to try and fix some scheduling boo-boos I made at work so that we can have a birthday dinner.
Anyway, we've been doing the show the last couple of nights, and it's been going well, but, as the Beej and I discussed on the car ride home, there are some inherent flaws in the show that we just can't put our finger on. Maybe when Jeannie gets home tonight we'll get her input as to what works and what doesn't.
I went back to work today after my days of vacation, and I was absolutely dreading it, but it wasn't too bad. I worked with someone who shall remain nameless who I haven't worked with in a long time, and that was cool.
Anyway, that's about it. It's been a long day and I'm tired.