Thursday, December 06, 2018

We're Growing Closer Together

Christmastime is here at last.  I'm sitting in my office in the basement of the theater (where I recently

 brought some ginormous 3' tall speakers that came with our house -- they are AWESOME.  My man-cave is becoming the place I've always wanted), A Christmas Carol student matinee is going on upstairs.  I've got some light bulbs to change when the show is over, and then I'm gonna do some pants shopping. 

I've been enjoying my kids lately (although I've been spending a lot of time at work recently - a coincidence?).  It's amazing to see them developing their own emotions, and wrestling with those emotions.  And Jeannie's been doing a bunch of research about emotions and development, and people that are stuck at certain stages of development, and it's interesting to think about our kids and try and figure out the best way for them to become the best, most comfortable versions of themselves that they can become.  How they can be comfortable with their own emotions, and get to know them, and know where they come from and what they can do.  Anyway, it's all amazing.  And stressful, and hard, but fun.