Today was fine. Been hankering with the internet, trying to find a way to get some music files teleported to Schlueter. Then a normal day of work, waiting for it to end so I could come home and watch LOST and hang with my ladyfriend. Watched the show (a decent episode, makes me want to see next week's NOW) then just got back from a nice walk with Jeannie, talked about what a strange bunch of events had brought us to this point; married, in Baltimore, eleven and a half years after we first started taking walks together. We're both so happy that it just seems hard to believe.
Been thinking lately about the summer, looking forward to driving down to the beach on my days off, with anybody who's available or by myself if everyone's working. I remember a day last summer (or maybe it was 2 summers ago) when I drove down to Rehoboth Beach one morning, early, and went swimming and there were dolphins jumping like 30 feet away. It was pretty amazing. So I'm interested in doing that sort of thing as much as I can. Maybe I can make myself a little less translucently white and yet still avoid the frighteningly intense sunburns of last summer.
Reading Drew's blog made me miss Drew, who I regret only getting to see once or twice a year. But it's nice to be able to read the blog and know that he's still keepin' Chicago freakified.