Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Looking for the dookie.

Tonight I have a night entirely free and to myself, something that hasn't happened in a little while. How shall I spend it? Waste it in front of the tube? Possible but not probable. Record the song that is destined to become the "Greatest American Pop Song of the 21st Century"? Perhaps. Perhaps also I will call my brother and my sister and my parents, who are all owed phone calls from me.

I know this, I'm gonna start off by eating a doggy or two (of the hot variety) and by sending off some mad props:

Mad props to:

1. Rich R., owner and operator of the Shoppe. You have a lifetime customer in me, my friend.

2. Flora Wolpert-Checknoff, a co-worker of mine at the B&N who's band was recently signed to an indie lable in Seattle. She is quitting the B&N to devote more time to the band. I checked out a couple of their songs online and I liked them. If you have a minute, check them out at:

3. Mad props to this kid at the B&N who said my favorite quote of the week. He's about 11 and came in looking for Green Day cd's. When I asked him which one, he said, "I'm looking for the Dookie."