The other night, Jeannie and I finally got to hang out with the Beej and A-Train, and we headed over to the Hamilton Tavern for dinner. The Beej and the A-Train both had burgers, and both agreed that they were good burgers, and furthermore also agreed that much of the burger's power comes from the "sticky spicy" bacon. So I would just like to reiterate: if you ever have a Crosstown Burger, get it with the bacon. Feel free to decline the optional fried-egg-on-top, though.
In addition to the tasty burgers, we tried a few desserts, too, one of which was a cupcake with, you guessed it, bacon on top. Reviews were generally not very positive, although it wasn't bad, just weird. Anyway, it was a pretty good dinner, and then we went back to the house and shot the shit for awhile, it was seriously one of the best times that I've had in a long time. I laughed a lot harder than I have in a long time. There were some new nicknames that were given out:
The Jeanners = Two Dicks.
The A-Train = Sweet Greasy.
DOB = Nutty Sweet.
The Beej = well, he didn't get a new name, so he's just the Beej.
Jeannie solved the mystery of Billie Jean's twins, Aimee demonstrated her Michael Jackson dancing, BJ googled something funny but I can't remember what it was, etc. You get the idea. Hilarious antics all around.
The Jeanners and I have both had the last couple of days off together, and we've been doing a lot of work building some storage shelves and cabinets into one of the bathroom walls. I think it'll be really nice when it's done, and it'll be nice to have places to put all of our toiletries. Now there's a word that I hate, "toiletries." Other words that I hate: tissue, muffin.
Today is the 4th of July. We're going to do a bit more work in the bathroom, but also try to set some time aside for a tasty celebratory meal. I believe we might be dining with Katie the North American Traveler. Anyway, it's been nice having some time off, and the weather has been beautiful, and now I'm gonna start on the day's projects.