How shall I spend this last day of 2005? Here's how it's gone so far: worked today, home around 6pm. Put in a call to Rich R. but the boy weren't at home. Sat on the can for awhile playing my new handheld Sudoku game. It's pretty great, perhaps even better than handheld Yahtzee for playing in the bath-room.
Right now the song "Darkness on the Edge of Town" is playing on the Ipod. There's 3 hot dogs starting to boil for me, Jeannie is at a dinner with some folks from her old job, and I've got some Guinness getting cold in the fridge.
How has the year been? Well, if you leave out Jeannie's throat problems, it's pretty much been the best year ever. But unfortunately, I can't leave out Jeannie's throat problems, so as it was it was a pretty damned fine year. Being married is great, better than I thought it would be, somehow. The job is fine, I got a lot of work done on music, and got to see a lot of friends and family.
Things to do for 2006: Jeannie and I should move to Charles Village, I should get a job managing the music department of the new B&N in Charles Village. Be better at retunring people's e-mails. Finish up the CD and send it out. Visit home more often than this year. Visit Ohio more often. Try and make a little bit more money, save up for a howse. Reach a point of total Zen where I don't care about anything.
That's about it for now. Happy New Year!