Thursday, May 17, 2007

Countdown to Summer

This week has been all about enjoying the finer things of spring -- walks and gin and tonics. The Jeanners and I have been taking a nice walk most evenings when she/we get home from work, and then enjoying a tasty G&T apiece.

Other than that, not much to tell. Work has been pretty pointless, but mildly enjoyable. My days off have been pretty uneventful, and I'm getting ready to do some work on the set for the summer shows. We'll have a big build day this Sunday and then I might do some building on Thursday, depending on how things go this weekend.

This morning on my way to work, I was thinking about a bit of wisdom that used to come up in Schmor's acting classes: 'pursue what you resist.' I always thought it was a good piece of advice, something to keep you moving and growing. I guess the problem that I'm running into these days is that I'm resisting a lot of things, in a lot of different directions. I'm resisting staying here in Baltimore for another five years, working at the B&N job which is easy and comfortable but not challenging, and I'm also resisting picking up and starting over somewhere. And so on. Lots of things like that. So which way to go? What to pursue?

That's what I was thinking about when I drove into work this morning. I never quite fully woke up today. I think it's because I was awakened before my alarm went off by sunlight coming into our bedroom window.