Let me be one of the first to welcome tiny Henry Bosco into the world, the new son of my good buddy Chris. Henry arrived six weeks early, and caught his mommy and daddy off guard, as they happened to be in two different cities. So apparently daddy missed a bit of the delivery. Surprise! But I am happy to report that everyone is healthy and doing fine. All of this story, by the way, comes second hand through my mom, so none of it may actually be true. I'm still awaiting verification from Mr. Bosco himself.
Well, it turns out that my sleepless night worrying about the District Manager's visit on Tuesday was for naught, as the visit went fine. So I guess I'm doing ok at work.
Also heard a rumor that old manager FC Wasnock has turned in his 2 weeks' notice to the Noble. True?
Continuing to work on Seanyboy's CD. I'll be sending off a CD to him soon of relatively finished tracks, so he can have copies for his Colin Hay gig if he so chooses. It's been a good time, and I feel like I've learned a lot throughout the process.
Hmm. What else? Jeannie and I bought plane tickets for an end-of-May/Beginning of June trip to St. Louis to see the fams. Should be a good time. Also word that her brother might be stationed in Maryland for a month this summer, which could be fun and interesting. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out...