Last night BJ was looking at old pictures from college that he had scanned onto his computer, most of which I had never seen before. Here's some of the highlights.
Big Daddy James, in a lot of his glory.
Me and the Schluetermetz', back when we were young and carefree and I still wore jeans. I miss that office. I still have that white T-shirt...
No comment necessary, really.
Flip Manuever!
The Beej gets his face licked by Drew and Swoboda. I sense enjoyment in all of the particapants except Swoboda.
A very very young BJ dances with a young-ish Big Daddy, while a very very young DOB pushes back his mop of forgotten hair stage right.
In addition to taking this stroll down memory lane, last night after rehearsal BJ taught Jeannie and I the correct way to play Skip-Bo, which after losing several time s I declared to be the Lamest Game. I won a couple of times today, though, so it's not too bad anymore.