What a wonderful visit we had with Sean and Nicole. They arrived in Baltimore last Thursday night, and then we got together on Friday morning, and Sean and Cole and I headed to Pete's Grille for some breakfast while Jeannie finished working her half day. Then in the afternoon we walked downtown for a tour of the harbor area. Dinner at Rocky Run and then sitting around shooting the bull. Saturday I went to work while Jeannie ran errands and Sean and Cole headed to Washington for a quick drive-through tour. Then Saturday night we went and got some takeout for dinner, then several rousing games of Catch Phrase over beers.
Sunday we cooked up some breakfast burritos and went down to Fell's Point and walked around to some shops, then had an impromptu lunch at the Sip n' Bite. A fun little place. Then Nicole headed off to the airport, and Sean and I got down to business and started recording. We recorded all day (or almost all day) on Monday and Tuesday, vocals and guitar during the day and then electric overdubs at night. Wednesday we finished up recording Sean's vocals and guitars and then we packed him off to the airport and off he went. It was good to see my old buddy and his great girl. They are truly people who are happy with the life they've built for themselves, and I think they deserve to be happy because they've made lots of good decisions to get where they are. Anyway, it was good to see them.
So, for the last few days at work I've been playing a little catch-up, and in my free time I've been attempting to mix some of the stuff we recorded. I think it's gonna take some time and trial-and-error and hard work, but I think that the songs should end up sounding good. I hope so. It was fun recording them.
Tonight Jeannie and I are cooking up some stir fry, although I must admit that I'm shirking my duties to write this damned blog. Here's a picture of Spiff while he's playing 'Just Your Touch' :