Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Well, we are here in Ohio, and in the few hours that we've been here and awake, it has proven itself once again to be the best time of year. Rich R. is here, Jen Schlueter-Steinmetz is here, and Brad and Henry Steinmetz are here but are currently at work/school. Initial preparations for our Thanksgiving feast have begun and there's a trip to the art store in the works.

On the drive here, I finally got a chance to listen to a mix CD that BJ Gailey had given to me when he was in town. I am always entertained and surprised by his mixes. He manages to put together songs that I would either never listen to or never put on the same mix, and somehow the mix works, and they always broaden my musical tastes. His mixes tend to swing wildly between different styles, whereas mine tend to be more linear and there's less differences between consecutive songs. So thanks to the BJ.

Also listened to a mix that Jeannie's friend Kris had made for her, and enjoyed that as well.

Lots of laughs and conversation after we arrived last night a little after midnight, and then to bed around 2am.

Started recieving some preliminary e-mails for the next show, THE IMAGINARY INVALID. It's in February. I have a hard time getting motivated for something that far in advance, especially since the majority of my work won't be done until the week before the show. Oh well.

More later.

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