Wednesday, April 20, 2016

For Patrick (or, Women Who Know How to Ride a Cock)

This post is for Patrick, who was checking my blog at work the other day, thus revealing to me that there are, in fact, people who still check this blog.  So, for everybody who's still checking:  this post's for you!

Life feels pretty good right now -- Macbeth has opened (a play that, for a variety of reasons, I was scared of) and looks good, the R&J student matinees are up and running and require little work from me (except for switching the set over from the MacB set a few times a week)  Jeanners and I are gettin' along, Anna has taken her first steps, and Samuel is still a good kid (albeit a pain in the ass sometimes [like last night]).

Jeannie and I have ordered a new bed, king sized, because I got tired of having to cram into a one foot wide space when there are children in our current full size bed.  So I'm looking forward to that arriving.  We're also making plans for maybe getting a big fence installed in our yard, and other general home-improvement type stuff.  Plus, it's springtime, and the weather is perfect, and the trees and bushes are blooming, and all feels right with the world.  

Of course, the Jeanners and I could both use a little more sleep, my body is feeling creaky from overdoing it while getting ready for Macbeth, and our house is still a big ol' pain in the ass.  I'm ready for a vacation, but still have 2 shows to go before I get one.  

Jeannie and I got to go on a date last Saturday.  Got some fancy, overpriced Indian food at the Ambassador Dining Room (overpriced food, but the ambiance is great).  Jeannie drank sangria.  Would've been a real nice date, but then my stomach started bothering me a bit (I don't think from the Ambassador food) and so our walk around Charles Village got cut a little short.  Jerns has lined up 2 more dates for the end of the month, which I am very much looking forward to.  Plus, we've got Samuel's 4th birthday coming up next week, for which we will probably go out to eat (I'm guessing maybe he'll pick the Bonefish Grill?).   Can't believe he's turning 4.  Age 4 is when I remember starting to feel like an actual human being and having real thoughts.   Then I stopped having them around age 35, har har har!

I'm done.  

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