Wow, it's been a long time since I've written. But weirdly, things have been fairly busy, considering I am smack in the throws of blissful unemployment. Jeannie was out of town, and then she was in town but working a lot, and then Gena B. came to visit, and then the Schluetermetz' stopped in for a quick visit, and then we had the fourth of Joo-Luy, and then a couple of days that were actually free, and now Jeannie's brother will be coming in tonight for a visit. And then tomorrow is the groundbreaking down at the new building and the Mayor and other biggus wiggus folks will be there. And we've had trouble getting the air conditioning on at the new building so it might be warm.
So anyway, that's what's been going on here. All of the visits were fantastic, it was great to see Sam getting to interact with folks other than me and the missus, and of course getting to catch up with long-term friends.
Also, I built a set of the game 'Washers.'
Only 7 weeks left of free money!
Time for dinner.
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