Tonight as I drove home from work I was stopped at the light where I turn from Perring Parkway onto Echodale, and a car pulled up behind me that had the brightest blinker I've ever seen. Seriously. You could've used the thing to guide ships in the harbor on foggy nights. It lit up the whole intersection and all the houses and apartments and stuff that are around the intersection. I hated it, and it also made me feel proud of my little humble blinker that seemed to have downcast eyes and lit up maybe the area 2 feet in front of it.
And then I got home and went in the bathroom to take a leak and saw some of Sam's clothes on the floor left over from when Jeannie must've given him a bath tonight, and it made me miss him and wish he was awake so we could play. And then he woke up a little bit (on his own, I didn't have anything to do with it) and I heard him cry out in his crib and I immediately started praying, "Pleasegoddon'tlethimwakeup, Pleasegoddon'tlethimwakeup, Pleasegoddon'tlethimwakeup...," and so far it has worked, he hasn't woken all the way up. I think it might be the light from the bathroom that lights up some of the hallway, and then because there isn't trim around his bedroom door yet, the light in the hallway must go into his room a little bit. Cause he seems to stir a little whenever somebody goes into the bathroom, even quietly.
I finished re-reading The Lord of the Rings, and I enjoyed it. I think I enjoy all the info that is part of the story but isn't in the actual story most of all. I mean, all the stuff that's in the appendices and of course all the related material in the Silmarillion and stuff. And I also watched the movies, which I did not enjoy very much. Too much CGI, of course. I don't understand why people like movies with really blatant CGI in them, because to me they always look really really bad. Just awful. And I guess I just can't get past that.
So I'm currently without a book to read, and that hasn't happened in awhile, and I even don't feel like re-reading Infinite Jest or any Kerouac again, and that hasn't happened in, like, forever. So I need suggestions on what book to read next. I would like something big and life-changing and something that has the power to define my thirties the way IJ seemed to define my twenties. Thought about trying some Murakami but I read a little bit of The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle at work and couldn't really get into it. So, suggestions?
That is a tall order, mr. dan. I liked Wind-up Bird and have been meaning to reread, but it's been about 7 or 8 years. Books you should check out if you haven't already though should never compare to IJ b/c that would be silly: Flimsy Little Plastic Miracles by Ron Currie, Jr. - this one I think you would definitely enjoy & it's a quick read. The Eyre Affair & Where'd You Go Bernadette are fun reads, the latter being super sharp with more serious undertones. I haven't seen the movie but Cloud Atlas was one of my favorite reads a couple years ago (before I even knew there'd be a movie), as was American Gods and Goon Squad. That's all I got right now. Also, give WUBC a serious go, it's mostly worth it.
Thanks so much for the suggestions. I read Cloud Atlas about a year ago because I saw on Facebook that you enjoyed it, and also another book-loving friend of mine whose opinion I trust, and I also really liked it. I saw the movie and it was OK, though they changed a couple of fairly major things. I also read David Mitchell's 'The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet,' which was also pretty good (although not as good as Cloud Atlas). Anyway, I'm going to stick with 'Wind-Up Bird Chronicle' and save these other suggestions for the next time I need a good read, or the next time I have a nice block of reading time at work.
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