Monday, August 24, 2020

Rolling in the Dough

 This blog has now made me $1.11 over the last several years.  Only $98.89 to go and I'm eligible for a payout!!!!!!!!!!!

I shan't be quitting my day job just yet.  In fact, I'm at my day job right now, writing in my blog, so maybe I don't really need to quit my day job.  Speaking of quitting, though, I have been sending out music submissions to various sync licensing agencies.  Nothing but big fat rejections so far but I'm not gonna let that dampen my drive.  I'm not looking to quit my day job, but I'm tired of working on music and then sitting on my ass about it.  

Things are looking a little better since my last post.  I've been feeling a bit of free-floating anxiety for the past few days, mostly centered around work, but not for any real reason.  But I've picked back up on my running (I'd taken a week or two off because I seem to have a hernia-like feeling in my lower abdomen (although nothing poking out or anything) that running seems to exacerbate) and the running definitely helps the ol' Dan-mood.  

Thinking about the pandemic:  In a hundred years or so, my great-grandkids might read about the pandemic in school or something, and they might wonder what it's like to live through a pandemic.  Or rather, what it was like for me, one of their ancestors, to live through a pandemic.  And so I say to you, my future great-grandkids, this is what it is like to live through a pandemic:  It's weird.  But in a not very weird way.  Things shut down, and when it became apparent that things were going to be shut down for awhile, I went into cutting mode:  how to live on as little as possible.  Jeannie and I cut our spending in half.  So then I didn't feel panicked.  I got used to wearing a mask whenever I might be around other people.  I got very used to not eating at restaurants.  I got used to spending lots of time with my kids.  Like, all the time.  If I'm not at work, 95% of the time I'm with my kids.  If I'm with the kids, Jeannie is catching some kid-free time.   The kids and I either go to the Gunpowder River or we go downtown.  If we go downtown we go on walking/biking/scootering adventures.  We are living on a partial salary from work (where I'm working part-time) and partial unemployment benefits (which are not much but might end up being more if the federal gov't decides to throw some more money around - nice in the short term but I worry about the long term effects of that).  

Actual work calls right now.  Gotta go.  

Friday, August 14, 2020


Well, my 43rd year is starting off as somewhat of a shitshow. it's about 4 in the morning, and I've been awake for a couple of hours.  Still in the middle of this pandemic, or maybe it's not even the middle, maybe it's the beginning. Who knows.  Yesterday was my birthday, and the highlight was going to work.  The lowlights were two run-ins with Samuel, one in the morning, one in the evening.  I was craving a g&t at night like nobody's business, but managed to abstain by just going to bed instead.  I'm currently in the midst of watching the series The West Wing, and enjoying it very much.  I have also currently taken on some of the grant writing duties at work, and enjoying that as well.  Working on two projects at home as well - fence painting and basement renovation - both making slow but steady progress.  The kids start school in a few weeks, and that's shaping up like it's going to be a shitshow as well.  How in the hell does kindergarten work over Zoom?

Feeling pretty low today.  Here's hoping that tomorrow's better, but this lack of sleep isn't promising.