Things are fucked up, in the world and more locally. We're still basically in quarantine (although stores and other spots are starting to slowly reopen), work is still shut down and half the staff is being laid off. The other half of us will be basically working (and getting paid for) part time. We're planning on the theater being shut down for performances for about a year. Yesterday I had to lay off a very dear friend of mine, and it sucked.
So Jeannie and I have gone through and adjusted our budget, and we think we can make it work. We'll be slowing down any progress on our house projects (although we did buy a big load of drywall so that I'll be able to continue work in the basement while work at the theater is slowed), and we're cutting back pretty much all unnecessary expenses.
What else? Yesterday I was going to yell at a bird for littering downtown, but then I remembered that I don't speak bird.
Oh yes, there's also still a lot of racism in the world, and protests about racism, and it feels like things are unraveling in a way that it is far too early to tell if it's a good way or a bad way. Thus, I find much solace here, by the river, with my kiddos.