I just did a little research and discovered that the million dollar idea I had in this post is not original to me. Back to the drawing board. There is nothing new under the sun.
Friday, December 18, 2020
TV Star
I didn't sleep well last night. Woke up around 2am after having a weird dream in which I was driving cross-country, solo, and stopping at every river I crossed to float down the river a little bit in a little inflatable boat that I had with me. Anyway, woke up in the middle of the night and it seemed like every thought I could possibly ever think decided to flow my brain during the next 3 hours or so. I am trying to figure out why my brain decides to do this. :Last night I decided it was because I ate rice for dinner. Remind me to remember to test that hypothesis the next time I eat rice.
There are leaks at work that are making me absolutely bonkers.
I've been working on music, somewhat steadily, for the last few months. Things could possibly turn into something short-album-length. I've got about 6 or so songs right now. There's one song that I did as a collaboration with a woman that I met on the interwebs who liked some of my instrumentals, and she apparently has binders of lyrics sitting around and asked if she could send me some of the lyrics. So I said what the hell and she sent me the lyrics and I worked up a song for some of them and the song turned out pretty good. Probably some of the best recording I've done, anyway. Good vocals, clean guitars, bass-y bass, simple melody, backing vox, decent ambient-y sounds. All the hallmarks of a quality Dan O'Brien jam.
I've been doing live streams of random moments in my life on Instagram. It's fun. It feels like an extension of my solo-performance piece in college, but in reality it's probably more closely related to stuff I've written in here in the past. Basically, I'm trying to recapture the notion that I have something worthwhile to say, or at least that the fact that I don't have anything worthwhile to say should not serve as a command to not speak. Basically, I feel myself feeling less and less inclined to speak, and I worry that one day soon I will literally blow away and disappear forever. So I am attempting to not let myself blow away by making videos of boiling hotdogs and telling people my thoughts.
Friday, November 06, 2020
Balance in the Force
I hate to jinx shit, but I will go ahead and sayd that life feels pretty danged good right now (with the exception, of course, of everything that's going on in the world around me, which feels as though things are on the brink of complete collapse). But in terms of work/life balance, the developmental stages of our children, the relationship of Danners/Jeanners, my relationship to stress, my relationship with eating/drinking/exercising/my body, progress in our house and yard --- it all feels weirdly.....fine. Great, even.
We are in the midst of PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION 2020 and it seems to be following the course of all other events of 2020 - in other words, it's a bit of a shitshow.
Speaking of shitshow, I really need to go to the bathroom.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
Monkey Dick
Thursday, October 01, 2020
tomorrow morning I'm leaving for a whirlwind solo trip to St. Louis for my Mom's 80th birthday. 14 hours of driving on Friday and then 14 back on Sunday. Woo-Hoo! I can't fucking wait. 3 days of not really thinking about anything sounds 1000% fabulous.
The 3 things I'm looking forward to not thinking about the most:
Sammers has become basically obsessed with Minecraft, despite the fact that he's played it about 4 times in his life. It's all he talks about from the moment he wakes up at 6:30am until he goes to bed at 8pm. And it's making me want to stick pens and screwdrivers in my eyes and ears.
Schooling is meh. We've been talking about making a change, which would be a big fucking leap into the unknown. But I'm to the point where my fear of leaping into the unknown is outweighed by my fear of becoming a stodgy, conservative, scared, boring, bored, stick in the mud.
Jeannie took a picture of me and Anna the other day that I think looks cute. I think it looks cute because Anna looks cute and because it's one of maybe 3 pictures where I look as cool as I secretly hope that I look in real life (but never do).
Secret confession: sometimes the stock market affects my mood.
Today I gave my kids (mostly Samuel) a stellar lesson about Capitalism and Communism using an example of a job we did at our house rolling pennies. I told Samuel that he and Anna could roll the pennies and keep whatever they rolled, but that we would be totaling the amount and then splitting it evenly between them. He argued that he should get more because he rolled more. I told him that he was describing a Capitalist system, and that the system I was describing was basically a Communist system. I told him that people who prefer Capitalist systems do so because they generally feel that not receiving more reward if you do more work feels unfair, but I asked him to consider how he would feel if it were he and I rolling pennies instead of he and Anna, and I would roll more than him, and he would end up getting less. And I said that the nice thing about a Communist system is that (theoretically) everyone is taken care of or at least feels equal. Anyway, I tried not to pitch one system over the other but pointed out arguments for and against each system.
What a boring story.
Monday, September 07, 2020
get offa my lawn!
Sunday, September 06, 2020
photos from the past
Friday, September 04, 2020
king of the ladies
Monday, August 24, 2020
Rolling in the Dough
This blog has now made me $1.11 over the last several years. Only $98.89 to go and I'm eligible for a payout!!!!!!!!!!!
I shan't be quitting my day job just yet. In fact, I'm at my day job right now, writing in my blog, so maybe I don't really need to quit my day job. Speaking of quitting, though, I have been sending out music submissions to various sync licensing agencies. Nothing but big fat rejections so far but I'm not gonna let that dampen my drive. I'm not looking to quit my day job, but I'm tired of working on music and then sitting on my ass about it.
Things are looking a little better since my last post. I've been feeling a bit of free-floating anxiety for the past few days, mostly centered around work, but not for any real reason. But I've picked back up on my running (I'd taken a week or two off because I seem to have a hernia-like feeling in my lower abdomen (although nothing poking out or anything) that running seems to exacerbate) and the running definitely helps the ol' Dan-mood.
Thinking about the pandemic: In a hundred years or so, my great-grandkids might read about the pandemic in school or something, and they might wonder what it's like to live through a pandemic. Or rather, what it was like for me, one of their ancestors, to live through a pandemic. And so I say to you, my future great-grandkids, this is what it is like to live through a pandemic: It's weird. But in a not very weird way. Things shut down, and when it became apparent that things were going to be shut down for awhile, I went into cutting mode: how to live on as little as possible. Jeannie and I cut our spending in half. So then I didn't feel panicked. I got used to wearing a mask whenever I might be around other people. I got very used to not eating at restaurants. I got used to spending lots of time with my kids. Like, all the time. If I'm not at work, 95% of the time I'm with my kids. If I'm with the kids, Jeannie is catching some kid-free time. The kids and I either go to the Gunpowder River or we go downtown. If we go downtown we go on walking/biking/scootering adventures. We are living on a partial salary from work (where I'm working part-time) and partial unemployment benefits (which are not much but might end up being more if the federal gov't decides to throw some more money around - nice in the short term but I worry about the long term effects of that).
Actual work calls right now. Gotta go.
Friday, August 14, 2020
Saturday, July 11, 2020
odds and ends
Saturday, June 06, 2020
Gunpowder 2
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
The gift of time
Also working on music when I can. I shall post the results here:
Corona Sketches
Tuesday, April 07, 2020
My Glorious Hole
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Love in the Time of Covid-19
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Mighty Old Men
I thought about continuing to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark tonight (begun last night) while Jeannie is out at class, but instead have brewed myself a cup of bengal spice tea, made a fire, turned out the lights, and have Spiff-o singing directly into my ear drums.
It would be fun to make another album. I wonder if he's been writing any songs? Lord knows I haven't.
It's been a little bit of a rough week -- started off Monday morning by yelling and cussing at Samuel. For no good reason other than I hadn't slept well and didn't have the patience to put up with normal kid bullshit. Felt bad about it all day and ended up apologizing as soon as I got home from work. Sometimes I appreciate my mistakes as an opportunity to show the kiddos the value of a good apology. Sometimes they just feel like awful mistakes.
I'm not sure why else it's been rough. Work's been fine, although coronavirus threatens to put a serious financial damper on the company's Spring -- normally our busiest season.
I have some fun projects I'm working on at work that involve me making contraptions with winches and solenoids.
Friday, March 06, 2020
25 years of nasty, dirty lovin'
I remember arriving at her parents' house when I was picking her up. Two of her brothers were sitting outside as some sort of stone-faced gauntlet that I had to walk through. I remember her coming to the door wearing her red dress, and I was very struck by how hot she looked.
I have little pictures in my head of what dinner was like (was it at a place called Del Pietro's or just Pietro's? Was it on Hampton or Watson?) but I really don't remember much of dinner. And I remember dancing some at the Casa Loma Ballroom, but that's about it. I think "In Your Eyes" was one of the last songs played, and I remember having to get up the courage to ask her to really dance.
That's about all I remember from that night. But how many interesting things got set in motion! Most notably, this:
Monday, February 03, 2020
UPDATE: Operation Jacked Like Patrick Swayze
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Quiet and Relaxing
I've been working hard lately on the set for Measure for Measure. I designed the set, and I haven't been crazy about the design, but it's just now getting to a point where I'm starting to like it. We tech in two days, and I think things will be ready to go, provided that things go well tomorrow., Lots of painting and lighting work to get through. Also, a school fundraiser at Skateland that I somehow need to make time to attend. I do love me some Skateland. It's where I hear all the good new pop music.
The Jeanners is at a school board meeting tonight. She's cool like that and she gets to be on the school board. (Actually, it's because they conned her into volunteering). I'm not sure if I should sit in the sweat box without her or if I should wait for her.
I think I'm gonna watch some Ken Burns on Netflix now.