Saturday, October 27, 2018


I've been in a foul mood all day.  I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out why, and I think it has something to do with the amount of hands-on-ed-ness that my children are currently requiring.  The kids that lived on our block last year have all moved away, and since that time Jeannie and I have pretty much been their playmates and entertainment directors when they're not at school.  I think it just has worn me down a bit. 

I have realized lately that, unless I have a picture or something or have written it down, I no longer remember occurences that are older than 24 hours.  So I'm going to make an attempt to write more here.  I suppose I've said that before. 

I have slowly, slowly, slowly started working on some new music.  Very tentatively.  Just working with a new (to me) drum program.  So far, I like it.  I'm interested in getting rid of the mountain of baby crap that's in our basement so I can get to my keyboard, guitar equipment, and 8 track. 

I am being summoned for bedtime reading and PJ-ing. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Mechanical failure

I feel like my body is falling apart a little bit.  My back has been hurting for a week and a half or so (it's feeling better now, thank you), whenever I sit still for 20 mins or more then I'm stiff and sore when I get up, and, oh yeah, I got punched in the face at work one morning a few weeks ago so I now have a one-inch scar just under my right eye. 

Other than all that, life feels pretty good!

This will be my last blog post re: bodily ailments.  Promise.  Nobody wants to hear that shit.